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Survey Information and Consent

ECSO-MRI Project Survey of Higher Educational Institutions in Europe providing Magnetic Resonance Safety Education to Radiographers


The ECSO-MRI Project reflects the collaboration of six partner organisations and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (KA220: 2022-1-BE02-KA220-HED-000085873). Its primary aim is to develop educational material relevant to MRI Safety and make this available to radiographers and healthcare professionals working in MRI across Europe, with a focus on safety enhancement within this environment. A critical part of this process is seeking the opinions of key stakeholders; hence we have distributed this survey to you as radiography educators.

This survey aims to gather information from radiography educators across Europe, based on their individual perspectives and experiences, on the degree/ extent to which MRI Safety is taught to radiographers across the EQF educational levels.

Note: This survey should be completed by the staff member responsible for delivery of lectures/ courses in Magnetic Resonance Imaging to undergraduate and/or postgraduate student radiographers. If a number of educators contribute to the teaching of MRI at your educational institution, it is acceptable to collaborate with these colleagues when completing this survey (NB: please only submit one response per institution in this case).

Information Sheet

Question Title

* 1. To proceed to the survey, please indicate your understanding of the above and your consent below. By checking the consent box below, you are indicating your agreement with the following statements:
  • I have read and understood the information (above) for this study.
  • I understand that I have had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the study (note you can contact or or with any questions).
  • I have received satisfactory answers to all my questions, where I have had a query.
  • I have received enough information about this study.
  • I understand I am free to withdraw from the study at any time until the survey is submitted.
  • I understand data will be archived for future research.
  • I agree to take part in the study.
I would like to proceed to the survey.

0 of 19 answered