Question Title

* 1. Rate the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit as an educational experience. (1= Poor; 5=Excellent)

Question Title

* 2. Rate the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit as a networking and relationship building experience (1 = Poor; 5 = Excellent)

Question Title

* 3. Rate the overall experience. (1 = Poor; 5 = Excellent)

Question Title

* 4. What stands out as something you experienced at the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit that you have not experienced at other events?

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* 5. How would you improve the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit?

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* 6. Considering the cost and time away from work, do you consider the Collaborative Care & Health IT Innovations Summit a wise business decision?

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* 7. With regard to the education sessions you attended:

  Yes No
The stated learning objectives accurately reflected the session content?
The advance preparation materials (if applicable) were appropriate and sufficient?
The handouts or presentation materials were relevant to the session content?
The time allotted for the session content was appropriate?
The speakers effectively delivered the session content?
The information that was provided was useful and relevant to your business?

Question Title

* 8. Reflecting on your experience with this first virtual Summit, in the future would you prefer to attend an in-person, or a virtually Summit