Marshall Road Elementary School 
School of Excellence Survey

Thank you for your participation in this important survey. The results of this program will greatly improve communications between our school, our families and our community. Please complete and submit this initial survey no later than FRIDAY November 13, 2020.  All responses are anonymous and will be combined.  We will work throughout the school year to improve on areas highlighted in this survey and ask you the same questions again at the end of the year.
1.Our school has friendly signs and messages in multiple
languages as needed.
2.Our school translates communications and provides
interpreters as needed.
3.Our school encourages families to volunteer.(Required.)
4.Our school shows respect to all families regardless of
differences (e.g. age, gender, race, cultural background).
5.Our school communicates with families in multiple ways
(e.g., email, phone, website).
6.Our school provides clear, two-way conversations about
student progress or needs.
7.Our school helps families understand how they can support
their child’s learning.
8.Our school involves parents in planning for student
transitions (e.g. middle school, high school, post-secondary,
9.Our school uses technology to meet the needs of today’s
10.Our school includes students as active participants in
discussions of expectations and work quality (e.g. parent
teacher conferences).
11.Our school explains the academic standards and how the
curriculum is connected to those standards.
12.Our school informs and encourages families to advocate for
students at the school, local, state or national level.
13.Our school listens to families’ concerns and demonstrates a
genuine interest in developing solutions.
14.Our school provides information on family rights and
responsibilities under federal and state laws.
15.Our school establishes policies that recognize and respect
diversity (e.g. cultural, ethnic, religious, socioeconomic).
16.Our school considers families to be equal partners in
decision making (e.g. policy, curricula, budget, safety,
17.Our school provides families with information on our school
improvement plan.
18.Our school distributes information on community resources
that serve the needs of families within the community.
19.Our school has partnerships with local businesses,
community organizations and service groups to advance
student learning, or assist the school or families.
20.Our school is a central part of the community.(Required.)
21.Are you a...(Required.)
22.English is the primary language at home.(Required.)
23.Which race/ethnicity best describes you?(Required.)
24.Does your child / children qualify for free/reduced fee lunches at MRES?