Active Ageing in the City of Campbelltown |
1. Introduction
People are living longer now than any generation before them. This can provide people with an additional thirty years of life. Council is interested in how people will age and what Council can do to support people to age well.
Campbelltown City Council was a pilot Council to become an age-friendly community.
Since the pilot, Council established the Active Ageing Advisory Committee, a formal Committee of Council who have been discussing what active ageing looks like in Communities and are using the following areas to explore what active ageing looks like:
Planning for ageing
Physical environment
Health, wellbeing and services
One of the findings of the Committee is that we don't have enough data from older people aged 60+ about their local ageing experience. We need it to make life even better for older people in Campbelltown.
There are 12,076 people aged over 60 living in the area (identified in the 2011 census) making up a quarter of Campbelltown's population. The numbers tell us one story, but we need people to tell us the rest of the story.
Please take time to complete this survey as it will help Council's planning and provide a more detailed picture of active ageing in Campbelltown.
If you have any questions or comments please contact Tracy Johnstone on or 8366 9214