Jamslamm - Collaboration with Citizens

There are many ways for you to contribute to eliminate congestion on roads and be able to spend extra time with your family. You can
1. Work with Jamslamm as a full time / part time employee or as a consultant. You don't need to go to a tier 1 university to join Jamslamm.
2. Share your thoughts on how to make Jamslamm better. We promise special prizes for the best crowdsourced ideas.
3. Share any idea(s) you've thought of that can reduce road congestion. We'll be giving away special prizes for the best crowdsourced ideas.
4. Work with Infinitii Worx as a Business Consultant. Infinitii Worx is the brand that houses Jamslamm and is in the process of building it. Currently Infinitii Worx will be hiring only MBA graduates for business consulting services to businesses of all forms in your city

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* 1. Name

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* 3. Please read description given insert survey title. How would you like to contribute to make your city congestion free

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* 4. Please share your LinkedIn profile if you wish to work at Jamslamm or Infinitii Worx

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* 5. If you wish to work with Jamslamm, how do you think you can add value?

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* 6. How do you think the Jamslamm concept can be improved to ensure there is better adoption by everybody?

It could be a simple feature that improves stickiness to more complicated elements as well.

We'll be giving away attractive prizes for the best ideas :-)

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* 7. If you have ANY idea or thoughts to share to reduce congestion on the roads, please give a detailed explanation here. This does not have to be within the constraints of Jamslam concept. This could be absolutely anything and again, we'll be free to rewarding you to help us help you live a congestion free life 😉

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* 8. Any final comments or thoughts you'd like to share?