Housing and Development

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* 1. The Parish Council responds to all planning applications that are brought forward in the Parish. Our main principles are to follow the adopted Neighbourhood Plan https://arborfield.org.uk/arborfield-barkham-joint-neighbourhood-plan/ Wokingham's Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework. The Neighbourhood Plan and the Core Strategy prioritise development within settlement boundaries and provide protection against unfettered development in the countryside. To what extent do you agree the Parish Council should continue to uphold the Neighbourhood Plan and Core Strategy when applications are proposed in the countryside in Arborfield?

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* 2. Having recently tried to legally oppose the commercial development at Bridge Farm, would your priorities regarding development favour the provision of employment and additional housing or preserving green spaces and promoting biodiversity?

Following these principles the Parish Council has opposed the proposed development of a petrol station, a housing estate and an industrial estate on Observer Way, but has supported the re-development of the pre-existing Bound Oak industrial estate, the development of the Co-op and the majority of single householder applications for extensions to their properties.

Thinking about these applications and the planning policies, rank the following in order of priority:

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* 3. The Parish is likely to be faced with the prospect of 4,500 houses (Loddon Garden Village) being built on Hall Farm (the green space behind Church Lane and through to Sindlesham). This will be confirmed when the Local Plan update is published by Wokingham Borough Council shortly.
This will have a significant impact on the rural landscape, habitats and biodiversity. What are your views on further development in the countryside surrounding our Parish?

Please tick the options that reflect your point of view: