PJF Inc Survey "Where Quality, Price and Service Come Together Exceeding Customer Needs” Question Title * 1. After contacting PJF Inc, did you receive the information you were looking for? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 2. Did you receive your quotes in an acceptable time frame? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 3. Once your project was completed, did the information and products provided meet your specifications? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 4. If a concern/problem was found with your product, did PJF provide a solution? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 5. Did PJF Inc employees respond to your concerns in a timely manner? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 6. Overall, how do you rate PJF Inc's service? Poor Average Excellent Question Title * 7. To better help us understand our customer's responses.Please elaborate on any of your responses above. Question Title * 8. Please fill out your information or leave an anonymous survey. Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done