Backyard Grower Survey

We're surveying "backyard" food growers to learn how Montanans grow food for their families today. Your anonymous responses help us teach others how to grow more. Thank you!

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* 1. What's roughly the size of your garden plot in estimated sq ft?

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* 2. Is your garden plot at:

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* 3. Check all the foods you grow

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* 4. What % of your family's weekly food consumption do you produce in the growing season?

0 50 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. What % of the food you grow do you process for winter consumption?

0 50 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Do you start any of your plants indoors under lights from seeds?

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* 7. Do you save seeds from any plants you grow?

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* 8. Do you make use of a greenhouse or high tunnel for growing?

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* 9. Reasons you grow food (select all that apply)

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* 10. Household income range