1. Survey Purpose: Understanding LGBTQ+ Wellness in Muskegon County

We are conducting this survey to learn more about the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals in Muskegon County. By answering the questions honestly and thoroughly, you can help us improve people's lives. The survey consists of questions divided into five sections: Consent, Demographics, Healthcare, Employment and Education, and Community Safety and Connectedness.
Thank you for your interest!

Question Title

* Consent Question:
I know that this survey is confidential, and only the survey administrators will see my response. I am aware that, when my data is processed, it will not be identifiable with me. I can skip any question and stop at any time. However, my responses will only be submitted if I complete the form.

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* Demographic Questions:
Do you live, work, or seek services in Muskegon County? Select all that apply

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* Do you identify with Hispanic, Latin, or Spanish origin?

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* How would you describe your race? Select all that apply

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* What is the name of the place you live?

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* What is the Zip Code of the place you live?

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* What is your annual household income?

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* Have you served in the armed forces before?

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* How would you describe your gender identity?
Transgender means that someone’s feelings of their own gender are different from the sex they were assigned at birth. Cisgender means that someone’s feelings of their own gender are the same as the sex they were assigned at birth. Nonbinary means that someone’s feelings of their own gender are not necessarily exclusively a man or woman.

Question Title

* How would you describe your romantic orientation?
Select all that apply. Use “Other” to add an option or provide details. Romantic orientation is separate from (but often related to) sexual orientation; romantic orientation refers to who you are most likely to fall in love with or share affection with.

Question Title

* How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Select all that apply. Use “Other” to add an option or provide details. Sexual orientation is separate from (but often related to) romantic orientation; sexual attraction refers to who you are most likely to have sex and be intimate with.

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* Do you have a disability?
Select all that apply.

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* Community Safety and Connectedness:

Have you ever felt threatened or harmed because of your sexual orientation or gender identity?

Question Title

* Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your sexual orientation or gender identity?

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* Have you been threatened with, or subjected to, conversion therapy/change efforts?
Conversion Therapy (or change efforts) means trying to change someone’s sexual or romantic orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Question Title

* In the last year: Have you felt or experienced microaggression, prejudice, discrimination, or other stigmatization while receiving care?
Select all that apply.

Question Title

* As an LGBTQ+ person, do you feel accepted and supported in your home?

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* Employment and Education Questions

Are you currently employed?

Question Title

* Has your sexual orientation or gender identity ever been a barrier to finding a job?

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* If you answered yes to the previous question, how was your sexual orientation or gender identity a barrier to finding a job?

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* As an LGBTQ+ person, do you feel accepted and supported at work?

Question Title

* Leaders at my organization come from diverse backgrounds that resemble the people who work there.

Question Title

* Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been
bothered by any of the following problems?

  Not at all Several Days More than half the days Nearly every day
Little interest or pleasure in doing things
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
Feeling tired or having little energy
Poor appetite or overeating
Feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down
Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television
Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so
fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual
Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way

Question Title

* If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people?

Question Title

* Has recent anti-LGBTQ+ legislation made you feel more worried, stressed and/or sad?

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* In the past year, have you attempted to and successfully received access to healthcare?
This could include things such as regular checkups, mental health appointments such as therapy or psychiatry, physicals, lab work, screenings, medical tests, etc.

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* If you answered “No- I attempted, but did not receive healthcare” to question 21, please choose all the reasons that apply:

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* Do you have health insurance?

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* Where would you prefer to seek healthcare?

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* In your experience, do healthcare professionals know alot and understand your specific needs as an LGBTQ+ individual?

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* Have you told your provider or nurse about your.....
Choose all that apply

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* Have you told your therapist/psychologist about your.........
Choose all that apply

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* Have you told other healthcare workers about your.......
Choose all that apply

Question Title

* Have you ever talked with a provider or healthcare professional about getting tested for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)

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* Have you been tested for HIV in the last 12 months?

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* What (if any) obstacles or challenges have you seen the LGBTQ+ community face in getting the best healthcare in Muskegon?

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* If you could change one thing about healthcare in Muskegon, what would it be?
This could be about specialists, primary care, emergency care, insurance, or anything else related to your healthcare experience.

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* What healthcare services do you utilize OR what healthcare services would you utilize if given the opportunity to?
Check all that apply

Question Title

* Is there anything else you would like to share regarding healthcare in Muskegon?
This is an opportunity to share any specific experiences (good or bad), as well as any suggestions, thoughts, or concerns, etc.

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100% of survey complete.