This short survey aims to understand current processes for identity verification in the customer onboarding journey, latest trends & challenges for compliance professionals, and what the future of identity verification looks like.

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* 1. How would you categorise the type of your business?

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* 2. What is your company’s annual revenue?

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* 3. What sector is your business in?

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* 4. How long has your business been operating?

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* 5. How would you describe your current identity verification process for individual account opening?

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* 6. How has the importance of digital identity verification in the customer onboarding process changed for your organisation in the last 24 months?

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* 7. What is the biggest challenge your organisation faces in the identity verification process?

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* 8. What methodology does your organisation currently use for identity verification? Select all that apply

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* 9. What are the top 3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you use to measure the success of your customer onboarding process?

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* 10. Approximately what percentage of all sign-up attempts abandon the onboarding journey?

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* 11. How long does the typical customer onboarding process take to onboard individuals?

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* 12. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "Identity verification should be seen as a regulatory requirement and customer satisfaction should not be seen as a driver of change within onboarding."

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* 13. In 2025 and beyond, what do you see as the biggest future challenge facing regulated entities?

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* 14. OPTIONAL: If you would like to receive a £5 Starbucks voucher & the
consumer data, please enter your email address below. Please note, all
responses will remain anonymous.