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Online survey for education stakeholders and individuals

The African Union’s ESTI (Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation) Department is conducting a brief online survey to contribute to a review of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-25 (CESA 16-25) and the preparation of a new strategy. CESA 16-25 was driven by the desire to set up a system of education and training to provide the African continent with efficient human resources adapted to African core values and therefore capable of achieving the vision and ambitions of the African Union. The strategy is in line with the African Union 2063 Agenda and the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This survey is meant for organizations and individuals interested in providing feedback on the CESA 16-25 and the preparation of a new CESA for 2026-35. The survey should take about 20’ to complete. We thank you for completing the survey.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your email?

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* 4. What is the name of your organization, if any, and what does your organization focus on?

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* 5. What is your position and responsibility in your organization, if any?

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* 6. What level of education is your organization focusing on (Please select the most relevant level)?

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* 7. What is your country?

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* 8. Are you aware (have you ever heard) of the African Union Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25), and if so have you read the strategy?

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* 9. Has your organization used CESA 16-25 and related resources in any of your work?

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* 10. If you used CESA 16-25 and related resources in any of your work, could you please explain how you used the strategy?

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* 11. How useful have you found the CESA 16-25 and its guidance for your work?

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* 12. On a 5-point scale from not at all important for education in Africa (so not only for your specific work) to extremely important, how important are the 12 strategic objectives of CESA 16-25 from your point of view?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely important
1-Revitalize the teaching profession to ensure quality and relevance at all levels of education.   
2-Build, rehabilitate, preserve education infrastructure, and develop policies that ensure a permanent, healthy and conducive learning environment in all sub-sectors and for all, so as to expand access to quality education.
3-Harness the capacity of ICT to improve access, quality and management of education and training systems.
4-Ensure acquisition of requisite knowledge and skills as well as improved completion rates at all levels and groups through harmonization processes across all levels for national and regional integration.
5-Accelerate processes leading to gender parity and equity.
6-Launch comprehensive and effective literacy programmes across the continent to eradicate the scourge of illiteracy.
7-Strengthen the science and math curricula in youth training and disseminate scientific knowledge and culture in society.
8-Expand TVET opportunities at both secondary and tertiary levels and strengthen linkages between the world of work and education and training systems.
9-Revitalize and expand tertiary education, research and innovation to address continental challenges and promote global competitiveness.
10-Promote peace education and conflict prevention and resolution at all levels of education and for all age groups.
11-Improve management of education system as well build and enhance capacity for data collection, management, analysis, communication, and use.
12-Set up a coalition of stakeholders to facilitate and support activities resulting from the implementation of CESA 16-25. 

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* 13. On a five-point scale from no progress to very significant progress, how much progress do you think has been achieved in your country (or in Africa if you are not African) over the last 10 years in the 12 strategic objective areas of CESA.

  No progress Limited progress Average progress Significant progress Very significant progress
1-Revitalizing the teaching profession.
2-Expanding access to quality education.     
3-Harnessing the capacity of ICT for education.
4.Ensuring knowledge and skills acquisition.
5-Accelerating gender parity and equity.
6-Launching comprehensive literacy campaigns.
7-Strengthening science and math education.
8-Expanding TVET opportunities.
9-Revitalizing tertiary education, research, and innovation.
10-Promoting peace education.
11-Enhancing data capacity.
12-Facilitating stakeholder collaboration.

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* 14. Could you list a few innovations your organization or your country has implemented (or is implementing) in the strategic objective areas of CESA 16-25 or more broadly to improve educational outcomes? Please feel free to mention several innovations and provide weblinks where more information is available on those innovations.

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* 15. Has your organization conducted assessments (such as monitoring CESA indicators relevant to your work) to assess progress towards achieving the objectives outlined in CESA 16-25?

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* 16. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 5 from no impact to a very large impact, what is your assessment of the impact that CESA 16-25 has had in your country (or in Africa if you are not African)?

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* 17. What is the single most important constraints that may have limited the impact of CESA 16-25 in your country in the last 10 years (or in Africa if you are not African)?

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* 18. More broadly, on a scale of 1 to 5, what are the various constraints that may have limited the impact of CESA 16-25 in your country in the last 10 years (or in Africa if you are not African)?

  Not a constraint Somewhat of a constraint An average constraint A major constraint A most important constraint
Lack of awareness about CESA.
Lack of consultation of your country on CESA.
Lack of relevance of CESA for your country.
Lack of alignment of CESA with frameworks such as SDG4.
Lack of specificity of CESA beyond stating broad objectives.  Lack of African Union capacity to implement CESA.
Lack of capacity in your country to implement CESA.
Lack of support from Regional Economic Communities.
Lack of funding at the African Union to implement CESA. 
Lack of funding in your country to implement CESA.
Other (please specify).

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* 19. As the African Union is planning a new CESA for 2026 to 2035, on a scale of 1 to 5, how important would it be to keep the current strategic objectives in the new strategy for the next 10 years?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely Important
1-Revitalizing the teaching profession.
2-Expanding access to quality education.     
3-Harnessing the capacity of ICT for education.
4.Ensuring knowledge and skills acquisition.
5-Accelerating gender parity and equity.
6-Launching comprehensive literacy campaigns.
7-Strengthening science and math education.
8-Expanding TVET opportunities.
9-Revitalizing tertiary education, research, and innovation.
10-Promoting peace education.
11-Enhancing data capacity.
12-Facilitating stakeholder collaboration.

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* 20. For the next 10 years, what other important strategic objectives should CESA 26-35 consider? You may suggest several objectives or areas of focus.

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* 21. CESA 16-25 identified strategic objectives but did not include targets for those objectives or details on how to achieve them. How important would it be for the new strategy for 2026-35 to include the following?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely Important
Specific targets to be achieved by 2035.
Monitoring and evaluation plan to assess progress.
Estimates of the potential cost of reaching targets.
Discussion of trade-offs between targets.
Guidance on good practices in key target areas.
Other (please specify).

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* 22. Do you have advice on the consultation process that the African Union could use for the review of CESA 16-25 and the preparation of CESA 2026-35?

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* 23. Has your organization used any other continental frameworks, instruments, or strategies from the African Union to inform your education programs and policies (If yes, please list the documents you used and how you used them)?

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* 24. Has your organization collaborated with the African Union or at the national level with countries on areas related to CESA 16-25?

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* 25. Are you aware of the CESA thematic clusters and to your knowledge has your organization participated in any of the clusters (If so, please indicate which clusters you are aware of and have participated in)?

  Not aware of the cluster Aware of the cluster but did not participate Aware of the cluster and participated
ECED (Early childhood).
Teacher Development.
Peace Education.
ICT in Education.
Curriculum Development .
Life Skills and Carrier Guidance.
Higher Education.
School Feeding.
Education Planning.
Women and Girls Education.

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* 26. Finally, is there anything else you would like to share for the CESA 16-25 review and the preparation of a new CESA for 2026-35?

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