Hotspot Borrowing

Thank you for checking out a Midland Public Library hotspot.  Please help us better understand how this service is being used, and how it can be improved by taking this short survey. 
1.Please enter your postal code (to help us determine areas of connectivity).
2.How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the Hotpot Lending program?
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Ease of Use
Length of Loan
Quality of Connection
Personal Benefit from Program
3.Do you have regular and reliable access to the Internet at your home?
4.Do you have regular access to the Internet somewhere other than in your home?
5.Did you use the Hotspot to access the internet somewhere other than at your home? If yes, please explain where.
6.During the week, how often did you use the Hotspot to access the Internet in your household?
7.Which of these activities did the Hotspot help you accomplish? (select all that apply)
8.How many people made use of the Hotspot connection during the week?
9.On average, how many different devices did you connect to the Hotspot?
10.Will the Hotspot Lending program change your use of the Midland Public Library?
11.Other comments or suggestions?
12.How did you hear about the MPL Hotspot Lending program?
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered