Question Title

* 1. How long have you been an SME member?

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* 2. In your opinion, what are the most important functions of the SME Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division (MPD)? Please rank the following:

  1-Low 2 3 4 5-High N/A
Technical programming at the SME Annual Conference & Expo
Professional awards
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing journal
Articles in Mining Engineering
Publications (books)
Preprints and OneMine
Continuing Professional Development opportunities
MPD Student Poster Contest at the SME Annual Conference & Expo
MPD Scotch Nightcap at the SME Annual Conference & Expo

Question Title

* 4. What other activities can the MPD have that would increase MPD’s membership value?

  1-Low 2 3 4 5-High N/A
Additional programming, such as mini-conferences
Additional publications and books
Recruitment of young people into mineral-processing careers
Additional scholarships
Additional awards
Career mentoring
Networking opportunities / social media

Question Title

* 6. Besides the  technical program at the SME Annual Conference & Expo, what other types of technical programming would be helpful in your career?

  1-Low 2 3 4 5 N/A
Short courses
Technical articles (outside of the M&MP journal)

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* 7. Do you attend the SME Annual Conference & Expo?

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* 8. If you have attended the SME Annual Conference & Expo, has the recent MPD technical program met your expectations and needs?

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* 9. If you have attended the SME Annual Conference & Expo, have you presented in an MPD session?

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* 10. If you have attended the SME Annual Conference & Expo within the past 5 years, what events, functions and facilities have you participated in, attended or utilized? (Check all that apply.)

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* 11. Do you participate in your Local (or Student) SME Section?

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* 12. Do you use the SME website to check for job openings?

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* 13. Any other comments or suggestions for improving the MPD division?