Survey on MPA challenges

This survey is gathering MPA practitioners’ questions on three of the biggest challenges facing the field: effectiveness, financing, and climate change.

It is the first part of a project by OCTO, UNEP, the University of Queensland, and partners to build practical, evidence-based, ‘how-to’ answers to the real questions that MPA practitioners have. The project is funded by the Government of Italy.

We invite you to answer all of the survey’s queries on the three focus areas. However, if you feel comfortable answering only some of them, you may leave the others blank. We would rather you answer some of the survey than none of it.

Please remember to click 'DONE' at the end of the survey when finished.

All responses will be kept confidential. All participants will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win an MPA News or OCTO canvas tote bag.

Thank you!

John Davis
Editor, MPA News
President, OCTO

* Indicates answer is required
1.What is your name and email address?(Required.)
2.In what institution do you work?(Required.)
3.In what country or region do you primarily conduct your MPA work?(Required.)
Focus area A: MPA effectiveness

Achieving effectiveness is a simple concept but challenging in practice. Multiple studies show most MPAs are not meeting all of their goals, and many MPAs amount to paper parks. 

We want to identify the most difficult and frustrating barriers and challenges you face with regard to MPA effectiveness.
4.What are the main questions you have with regard to MPA effectiveness? Please write as many as you would like. (Examples: What do I do if my MPA is not effective? How can I measure my site's effectiveness without potentially looking bad to my superiors? How can I link effectiveness indicators to my site management plan?)
5.What relevant tools or learning resources on MPA effectiveness would you recommend to other practitioners?
Focus area B: MPA finance

MPAs worldwide are generally underfinanced, with less-than-adequate budget support and income. Most are reliant on government funding, which can fluctuate greatly. Others depend on tourism, which has collapsed during the COVID pandemic.

We want to identify the most difficult and frustrating barriers and challenges you face with regard to sustainable financing for MPAs.
6.What are the main questions you have with regard to MPA sustainable financing? Please write as many as you would like. (Examples: How can I diversify my MPA’s revenue streams when there’s only one stream that seems realistic? How can I measure the value that my MPA provides? How can I share the costs and benefits of MPAs with relevant stakeholders?)
7.What relevant tools or learning resources on MPA financing, business planning, or benefit-sharing would you recommend to other practitioners?
Focus area C: MPAs and climate change

Climate change will alter ocean ecosystems substantially in the coming decades. MPA managers should expect to have to manage for community- and ecosystem-level shifts. Many managers are already observing changes at their sites. 

We want to identify the most difficult and frustrating barriers and challenges you face with regard to climate change and MPAs.
8.What are the main questions you have with regard to climate change and MPAs? Please write as many as you would like. (Examples: How should I choose which habitats and species to prioritize in a climate-changing world? How can I 'future-proof' my MPA? How can I leverage nature-based solutions to be a revenue stream?)
9.What relevant tools or learning resources on climate change and MPAs would you recommend to other practitioners?
10.If you would like to comment on this survey, or any aspect of MPAs not covered by the survey, please do so here. Thank you.