Please complete this survey for any educational meeting you attended as an MPACT mentor. Please complete as many fields as possible. The items marked with an * are required. Your feedback will help us improve our programming and support for mentors. Your responses will not be shared outside of MPACT. Any reports we prepare will exclude personal and identifying information. 

Question Title

* Please complete the following information to the best of your ability. All fields are required.

Question Title

* When was the meeting? 


Question Title

* What was the format of the meeting?

Question Title

* Please mark the answer that best describes your response.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
My conduct at the educational meeting met the responsibilities as a volunteer under MPACT mentor obligations.
I helped resolve concerns presented during the educational meeting.
My knowledge of IDEA was adequate to serve the parent/individual.
My knowledge of the special education process was adequate to serve the parent/individual.
I was accepted as a member of the educational team.
I adequately prepared the parent for the educational meeting.
Overall, I felt I was able to provide adequate support to the parent/individual.
50% of survey complete.