Missouri DeafBlind Project (Project) provides two types of technical assistance (TA): focused and comprehensive. A description of each is provided below.

Focused Technical Assistance
Focused technical assistance TA is based on the clearly-identified needs of family members, program/school staff, and/or administrators. Focused TA is short-term assistance designed to address a basic, single need or a small number of basic needs. via in person or virtual.
Comprehensive Technical Assistance
Comprehensive technical assistance TA is delivered at an intensive/sustained level and requires a stable, and ongoing relationship between Project staff and TA recipients. Comprehensive TA can be delivered onsite and/or through distance technology. It includes a purposeful, planned series of activities designed to reach common goals and support the student with dual sensory loss. Family members, program/school staff, and administrators identify and agree to a set needs to be addressed as part of the TA process. This level of TA should result improved outcomes.

Adapted from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program’s definition of intensive/sustained technical assistance.