MOVA Funding Webinar Feedback Form

MOVA’s work is driven by the voices of victims and survivors of crime and those that support them. Evaluative feedback from partners is vital to MOVA’s efforts in maintaining timely, transparent and accessible information and resources related to funding and future procurements.
1.What best describes your organization? Please select from the list below:(Required.)
2.Please rate the following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The information delivered in this webinar helped to increase my understanding of the current funding available for grant awards administered by MOVA in FY2026 & FY2027.
The information provided in this webinar felt transparent as it relates to the availability of funding for grant awards administered by MOVA in FY2026 & FY2027.
The information provided in this webinar identified ways I can be involved in next steps, including engagement opportunities and advocacy efforts for increased funding.
The information provided in this webinar supports MOVA’s collaborative approach to navigating future funding challenges.
The information provided in this webinar explained how to receive relevant updates in the coming months.
3.Please provide any additional feedback that will assist MOVA in providing timely and transparent communications and resources to assist programs in in navigating future funding challenges for victim and survivor services.
MOVA will always advocate for enhanced rights and services for all victims and survivors of crime and is diligently working on building an enhanced plan for funding advocacy this legislative session. We encourage you to follow us on social media for updates and sign-up for our policy announcements, including opportunities to support MOVA’s policy efforts.

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