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Theme 2 - Good quality jobs and a thriving local economy

The Neighbourhood Plan enables local communities to influence the planning of their local area. It is different from the normal town plans as it is developed by the residents. When approved, it has the authority of a local plan so all planning applications must be tested against it. Although the Neighbourhood Plan must be aligned with the Local Plan, it can be used to:
  • Develop a shared vision for the neighbourhood
  • Choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built
  • Identify and protect important local green spaces
  • Influence what new buildings should look like and who they are for

This survey is the first step towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan and is designed to get the thoughts and ideas from as many people as we can in the local community about what is good about Moreton-in-Marsh and what needs changing.

We have 6 themes. This survey relates to Theme 2 - Good quality jobs and a thriving local economy. The aim of this theme is to facilitate and support the growth of the business base within Moreton-in-Marsh, creating more jobs across a diverse range of sectors.

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* 1. The Neighbourhood Plan needs to take into account the views of all age groups, so it helps us to know which age group you are in. Please select your age group.

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* 2. Please select your postcode (only the first four characters are required)

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* 3. Do you run your own business, want to start up a business or work from home

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* 4. The following are suggested improvements to the town's infrastructure to help local jobs and economy.

Please indicate how important these would be to you.

  Very important Important Somewhat important Not important
Better, faster, reliable broadband speeds
Improved mobile phone coverage
Meeting space for businesses / business hubs
Provide space for new startups
Office space as part of new housing developments
Renovate and develop employment land within the town
Local meet-ups or networking groups
Promote Moreton-in-Marsh to attract businesses

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* 5. Would you be interested in the development of a co-working space in Moreton, a hub offering facilities for small-scale businesses and start-ups, such as bookable "hot desks", high speed broadband and meeting space for hire?

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* 6. Would you like to see more land made available for the following types of employment?

  Yes No Don't know
Light Industrial (including craft workshops)
Media production
Technology (including IT)
Services (e.g. doctor, dentist, education, hotels, finance, legal, estate agency, etc.)
Wider range of businesses
Don't know

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* 7. Do you think that there is a wide enough range of jobs available in Moreton?

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* 8. What types of jobs do you think we need in the town?

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* 9. What would encourage you to spend more time in Moreton's High Street? What shops and/or other uses would you like to see in the High Street?

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* 10. What factors do you think impact the success of the High Street

  Agree Disagree Don't know
Access - better footpaths and cycle paths
Access - more car parking
Business rates / rents are too high - especially for independent shops
More attractive environment for pedestrians (e.g more green space)
More space for people to walk around and relax (e.g. wider pavements, more seating, etc.)
Shops - should be focused on High Street (not out of town)
Shops - open later
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