Your Personal Views and Beliefs

As part of the process to select the new Co-Pastor, the Session has taken several steps including the appointment of a Transition Team and retaining HolyCow! Consulting to assess the current state of the Church, who we are, what we need, and where we are going.

The survey below is HolyCow!’s Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT), which will provide key indicators of our congregational health along with areas of challenge and potential growth. It will help us to collect and understand the range of views that exist at Montview and the possibilities, willingness, capacity and energy for moving our ministry into the future. The results of this survey will be reviewed carefully by the Session, the Transition Team, and will be delivered to the Co-Pastor Nominating Committee once it has been named by the Session.

If there is only one email address for all members of your household, it may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family. However, please be sure your spouse and all young adults living in your home have an opportunity to complete the survey. INDIVIDUAL INPUT is key to our gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences. This goes for youth members of Montview as well. We welcome their input and participation. We encourage all youth over the age of (16) to complete the CAT individually.

Please set aside enough time to answer all the questions. This will take about 20 minutes and once you begin you cannot save your work—you need to complete the survey in a single period. All survey responses are strictly anonymous. If you have questions about the CAT please contact Leena Waite, Rob Mathes, Soojin Kim, or Cory Kalanick via

In this section of the assessment, we are interested in your views and beliefs in a variety of areas.

You will find statements about how you see things in your church community and statements about your spiritual beliefs. Some items deal with the work of our Co-pastor and other items seek your views about education.

In each case, YOUR impressions, feelings, and opinions are important for church planning.

In some cases, you may feel that your opinions are not well informed. Please go ahead and give your impression as it is now, even though you realize it could change by talking with others.

Every question requires an answer before you can move forward.

YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ASSESSMENT IN ONE SITTING. The program will not allow you to stop and return to finish later. If you do not believe you can complete the survey in one sitting, please make arrangements to get a paper copy.

For each question below, click on the response that is most accurate. If you wish to return to a previous page, use the "previous" button. DO NOT USE YOUR BROWSER'S BACK BUTTON.

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* 1. My spiritual experiences often impact the way I look at life.

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* 2. Our current Co-Pastor presides over worship with care, engaging the people in a meaningful way.

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* 3. There is a disturbing amount of conflict in our congregation.

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* 4. Our members understand that they have a spiritual responsibility for life-long learning and formation.

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* 5. My spirituality is really the basis of my whole approach to life.

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* 6. It seems to me that we are just going through the motions of church activity. There isn’t much excitement about it among our members.

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* 7. Problems between groups in this church are usually resolved through mutual effort.

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* 8. Our members welcome changes in worship.

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* 9. I experience the presence of God in my life.

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* 10. The whole spirit in our congregation makes people want to get as involved as possible.