Moline Human Rights Commission questionnaire Question Title * 1. Let us know more about you. Check all that apply. (Answer not required) White or Caucasian Black or African-American Hispanic or Latinx Asian or Asian-American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Another Race Identify as a member of the LGTBQ+ community Question Title * 2. Please select your age range Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 3. In what area of Moline do you live? Ward Map Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Question Title * 4. For the purpose of this survey, “human rights” means people being free of discrimination or harassment and having equal opportunity in employment, housing, services, contracts and vocational associations (like unions and professional organizations) regardless of factors like race, ethnicity, religion, place of origin, Indigenous or Aboriginal ancestry, sex or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, criminal record, marital or family status, disability or being on social assistance. Generally speaking, how much of a problem do you think there is in Moline with people being harassed or discriminated against? Is this… A major problem Somewhat of a problem Not much of a problem Not a problem at all Question Title * 5. If you have experienced and/or observed discrimination or harassment in Moline, in which of the following areas have you experienced it (check off relevant answers): Sex Being transgender Age Sexual orientation Race or color Ancestry or ethnic origin Place of origin Citizenship status Creed or religion Pregnancy Family status (responsible for caring other family members, e.g. young children or elderly parents) Marital status Disability Receipt of social assistance Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which issues do you perceive to be most important in terms of promoting unity/inclusiveness in our City? (Please rank in order of your perceived importance) Question Title * 7. If you were giving the Moline community a “report card” on how it is doing on the issue of "Being tolerant of people who have different values or lifestyles," would you give it an A, B, C, D or F? A B C D F Question Title * 8. If you were giving the Moline community a “report card” on how it is doing on the issue of "Access to affordable and equitable housing" would you give it an A, B, C, D or F? A B C D F Question Title * 9. If you were giving the Moline community a “report card” on how it is doing on the issue of "Access to a quality education for all" would you give it an A, B, C, D or F? A B C D F Question Title * 10. If you were giving the Moline community a “report card” on how it is doing on the issue of "Combating racism and prejudice" would you give it an A, B, C, D or F? A B C D F Question Title * 11. If you were giving the Moline community a “report card” on how it is doing on the issue of "Ensuring equal treatment and equal pay for all" would you give it an A, B, C, D or F? A B C D F Question Title * 12. Thinking about Moline in comparison with other communities you’ve lived or visited, how would you rank it in terms of fairness, equality and attention paid to human rights? One of the best Above average Average A little below average Near the bottom Not sure Question Title * 13. How well protected do you think people’s human rights are in Moline when discrimination and harassment happens? Very well protected Somewhat well protected Not very well protected Not protected at all Done