If you want feedback on your performance, please insert your e-mail address at the end.

Question Title

* 1. Mr Nunn is admitted with a minor groin abscess requiring surgical drainage although he is otherwise well and has full mental capacity. Four hours prior to surgery Mr Nunn informs a nurse that he wishes to self discharge as he says he is due in court. Mr Nunn’s next of kin are aware that he has been admitted for surgery and that he is due in court. The nurse asks you to speak to him. Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate).

  1 2 3 4 5
A Allow Mr Nunn to leave but advise him to see his General Practitioner if there are further problems
B Prevent Mr Nunn from leaving by phoning security
C Explain to Mr Nunn the risks of leaving without treatment
D Telephone Mr Nunn’s next of kin to ask them to try and persuade him not to leave
E Allow Mr Nunn to leave but ask him to return to the hospital as soon as possible

Question Title

* 2. You are a final year student attending a two week revision course, and are aware that some lecturers monitor attendance by asking you to type in your candidate number as one of the questions during the quiz into your IPAD. There is a lecture that your flatmate says isn’t key to passing the exam, and so is planning not to attend. He asks you, if you are going in, and if so, whether you will take his IPAD in addition to your own to the lecture “just in case”. Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate).

  1 2 3 4 5
A. Tell your flatmate that it is dishonest for his IPAD to be used and for him to pretend to actually be at the lecture when he is not.
B. Agree, and take in the IPAD, but do not switch it on at any time
C. Use the IPAD, but deliberately put in lots of wrong answers, but your friends correct candidate number when asked, so that it appears that he was at the lecture but knows nothing.
D. Use the IPAD and put in the answers that you think are correct and also the correct candidate number
E. Refuse to do this, and explain that although non-attendance is an offence, that no one will punish him if he isn’t there, and the worst that will happen is that he will receive an e-mail from a “disappointed” lecturer.

Question Title

* 3. You find some handwritten notes with identifiable patient details that one of the other FY1 doctors, left in the hospital canteen. You collect them and return them to the ward. Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate).

  1 2 3 4 5
A. Don't say anything to anyone on this matter unless it recurs
B. Ask your colleague if he realises what could happen if patient notes are left around.
C. Raise the confidentiality guidelines at the next teaching session
D. Tell your consultant what you have found
E. Tell your colleague that taking medical records from the ward is not acceptable

Question Title

* 4. The hospital manager contacts you because the hospital is completely full, and more admissions are arriving all the time. The hospital gets fined if patients wait more than four hours, and without discharging some patients, this is certain to happen. He asks if you have any patients who can be discharged. The only patient you can identify is a 60 year-old man who has spent two months in hospital following a stroke. He is now medically fit for discharge and a home care package is being arranged. The physiotherapist informs you that the patient is yet to safely climb stairs. Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate).

  1 2 3 4 5
A. Ask whether the patient can be accommodated at home without the need to climb stairs
B. Ask the physiotherapist to carry out a stair assessment as soon as possible.
C. Ask the nursing staff if there are any other patients who may be able to go home.
D. Inform the manager that you cannot identify any patients for discharge at present.
E. Tell the hospital manager that the physiotherapist is delaying a patient discharge.

Question Title

* 5. Your specialist registrar (SpR) is at another hospital covering a clinic and he bleeps you to ask you to perform a lumbar puncture on a sick patient. This needs to be done before the SpR returns. You have observed the procedure several times, but have never performed one before. Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate).

  1 2 3 4 5
A. Find a senior colleague to perform the procedure
B. Perform the procedure alone
C. Ask an FY1 colleague to assist you with the procedure
D. Politely decline to perform the procedure
E. Find a more experienced colleague to supervise you performing the procedure

Question Title

* 6. Rank in order of visible surface area, the proportion each colour on the flag of São Tomé & Príncipe. The purpose of this question is to see how good you are at educated guessing. Please do NOT look this up, but guess. If you happen to know, that is fine. For the colour that covers most of the flag, put 1, and rank the subsequent colours in order of decreasing surface area.

  1 2 3 4 5
A. Black
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Orange
E. Red