MOA Network - Professional Development Funding Application |
To receive funds, MOAs need to be a part of the Victoria MOA Network and work in a physician-owned/operated clinic. If you are not already a member please apply here.
As a reminder, funds can be used for:
- Covering the cost of paid-for MOA training/education (e.g., courses, seminars, webinars), OR covering the cost time spent reviewing or completing free offerings/resources (per individual activity)
- Group facilitation fees (i.e., funds can be pooled across multiple MOAs at a clinic)
** Compensation can be requested for multiple activities, up to $500/MOA.
Funds can not be used for:
- Compensating both training fees and MOA time (for the same activity)
- Meeting expenses (e.g., meeting space or food)
- Travel
- Purchase of prizes, gifts or alcohol
Please note that funds can be requested retroactively for activities completed between April 1, 2023 and now (please specify in your application)