Exit this survey Lisbon IC01 - Basic microsurgical suturing techniques for beginners Question Title * 1. Participant Name: Question Title * 2. Professional Situation: Resident University Hospital Staff Ophthalmic Assistant Private Practice Industry Question Title * 3. What was your main reason for choosing this course? Interesting Topic Good Faculty Well-known Course Director Question Title * 4. How did you rate the content of this course? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent) 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 5. How useful was the course for your clinical practice? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent) 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 6. Did all listed faculty members attend this course? Yes No Question Title * 7. Was the course free from commercial bias? Yes No If no, what was the bias? Question Title * 8. Do you have any suggestions to improve the presentations in this course? Question Title * 9. How did you rate the quality of the speakers in this course? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent) 1 2 3 4 5 B. Frueh B. Frueh 1 B. Frueh 2 B. Frueh 3 B. Frueh 4 B. Frueh 5 B. Bachmann B. Bachmann 1 B. Bachmann 2 B. Bachmann 3 B. Bachmann 4 B. Bachmann 5 A. Geerards A. Geerards 1 A. Geerards 2 A. Geerards 3 A. Geerards 4 A. Geerards 5 Question Title * 10. How did you rate the standard of English of the speakers in this course? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent) 1 2 3 4 5 B. Frueh B. Frueh 1 B. Frueh 2 B. Frueh 3 B. Frueh 4 B. Frueh 5 B. Bachmann B. Bachmann 1 B. Bachmann 2 B. Bachmann 3 B. Bachmann 4 B. Bachmann 5 A. Geerards A. Geerards 1 A. Geerards 2 A. Geerards 3 A. Geerards 4 A. Geerards 5 Question Title * 11. General Comments and Suggestions: Done