Only native born citizens should be allowed to vote.
In order to vote, proof of citizenship must be obtained.
Individuals with felonies on their record should not be allowed to vote
Gay marriage should be legal
Medical Marijuana should be legal
Recreational Drugs Such as Marijuana should be legal and dispensed by individuals or corporations
Recreational Drugs Such as Marijuana should be legal and dispensed by government institutions and subject to heavy taxes
Recreational Drugs Such as Cocaine, Heroin, or Methamphetamine should be legal and dispensed by individuals or corporations
Recreational Drugs Such as Cocaine, Heroin, or Methamphetamine should be legal and dispensed by government institutions and subject to heavy taxes
Prostitution should be legal, but hiring prostitutes should stay illegal
Prostitution and solicitation of prostitutes should be legal
If prostitution were legal, it should be regulated by the state
Current gun restrictions and regulations are enough
An individual should be able to commit assisted suicide if they choose to
An individual should be legally able to alter the bodies, going so far (or further) as to appear to be the opposite sex.
It should be illegal to lie to get someone into bed (including lying about gender/sex)
Transgender-ism/ Gender Dysphoria should be labeled as a mental health disorder
Individuals with Gender Dysphoria should not be allowed to serve in the military
Women should not be allowed to be in combative roles in the military
Standards for police, military, firefighter, and other similar services should not be lowered to allow women to more easily enter
Positive Discrimination through programs such as affirmative action is justified and should be legal
It should be legal for individuals to discriminate on an individual basis
It should be illegal for all corporations and business to discriminate against people or groups for their innate characteristics.
Atheism is immoral and Atheists should not be allowed to hold office.
Religion should be taught and enforced throughout children's educational careers
A person should be able to join movements/ gangs without facing legal retribution for joining
If a person leaves my country to fight for another nation or group, they should be allowed back in to our country
My country's surveillance network has every right to track citizens for joining terrorist movements such as the KKK or Anti-fa
My country has the right to spy on it's own citizens to keep us safe
All religion should be banned to preserve a moral and secular society
One or more religion should be banned to preserve the society
Some Religious articles such as crosses or burkas should be banned
All immigration should be stopped
Some immigration should be allowed from developed nations only
Immigrants may come from any nation with proper visas and background checks