2025 Webb Academy Director of Finance & Operations Track Pre-Assessment Survey

Please complete the pre-assessment survey to participate in the virtual 2025 Webb Academy.
1.Pre-Assessment Survey
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I can summarize my role and biggest responsibilities as the director of finance.
I can summarize the roles and responsibilities of the treasurer, marshall, and secretary.
I can describe who BDO is and what they do.
I can list the items on the Important Dates and Deadlines Document and the respective outcomes if they are not met.
I can explain the 18 Chapter Standards and their relevance.
I know where on sigtau.org I can find the Chapter Standards, Important Dates and Deadlines, and other officer resources.
I know where to submit the Chapter Standards Report.
I can explain what the member safety fee is and what it pays for.
I can describe what the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation is and how it supports Fraternity members.
I can describe what a chapter fund is, where to find my chapter fund, and the ways my chapter can use our chapter fund.
I can describe what CrowdChange is and how we can use it.
I am aware of awards and scholarships available to me and my chapter members.
I know the main tools and features of OmegaFi/Vault and how to use them in my role.
I know my Member and Billing Rosters are accurate for the spring semester.
I have billing cycles correctly set-up for the spring semester.
I have reviewed the National Dues & Fees letter sent to me by Headquarters Staff.
I can list practices for getting my chapter out of debt and/or ensuring it stays out of debt.
I have practiced having accountability conversations with my brothers as it relates to finances and dues.
I have a plan of what I want to, should, and must accomplish in my role this year.
Current Progress,
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