Personality Study – Informed Consent

Study Sponsor: Klick Inc.
Investigator: Adam Palanica, PhD
Telephone: 416-214-4977 (24 Hr)
Address: 175 Bloor St E, North Tower, Suite 300 Toronto, ON, M4W 3R8

Question Title

* 1. Purpose of the Research
Klick Inc. is a health research company and is conducting research to examine personality differences across various demographics of the population.

Study Procedure
Upon signing up as a study participant, you will be asked to complete a personality questionnaire, and basic demographic information.

Your participation is completely voluntary, and you will not be compensated for this study. There are no potential risks to this study, and the expected duration of your participation is approximately 5–6 minutes. 

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal from the Study
Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating in the study at any time and for any reason. If you choose to opt out, either at the beginning or at any time during the study, your data will be removed. Your decision to stop participating, or to refuse to answer particular questions, will not affect your relationship with Klick, or any other researcher(s) associated with this project, either now or in the future.

All data collected, analyzed, and/or published during this research will be kept completely confidential, and will strictly be used for research purposes only. All data will be completely anonymized, and any findings may be published by Klick Inc. Klick Inc. will not use your name, or any other personal identifier, when the results of the study are reported. The information collected from you will be combined with information from other study participants. Electronic data will be retained indefinitely and stored on a secure server and/or password-protected computer. Only authorized researchers associated with this study and the research ethics board will have access to the data.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, you grant Klick Inc. the right to collect, analyze, and/or publish, in any format or media now known or hereinafter devised, your anonymized data in whole or in part, without numerical, geographical, or time limitations, in any manner or matter, and without the payment of any fees or other consideration to you.

If you have any questions about participation, please contact the primary investigator, Dr. Adam Palanica, at 416-214-4977 x3016 or at Thank you for your assistance in this project.

If you consent to participate, you agree that you will not disclose any information that is presented during this study to any third parties. If you consent, you also understand the nature of this study, and wish to participate.

Do you wish to participate in this study?