2022 Landcare Training Needs Survey 

What training would be helpful for you and your Landcare group or network.

This survey is being undertaken to collect information to guide Landcare training activities by the West Gippsland CMA, East Gippsland CMA and Melbourne Water in 2022 and 2023. Your individual results and information will be kept private and not distributed or promoted publicly in any way.

Please complete this survey by 5pm Friday the 29th of July 2022.
1.My local/CMA region is
2.I am a:
3.When and what training style suits you:
Face to face
Weekday - during the day
Weekday - in the evening
Online videos - watch on demand
4.What is needed to help Landcare in the region thrive?
5.What specific training can we provide to help this goal happen?
6.Please tick if you would interested in training in:
Definitely interested
Might attend - if it is at a time that is suitable for me
Would definitely not attend - I am not at all interested in this
Techniques to engage new members
Engaging young people
Running events
Project management
Writing funding applications
OH and S
Action and strategic planning
7.Please tick if you would interested in training in:
Definitely interested
Might attend - if it is at a time that is suitable for me
Would definitely not attend - I am not at all interested in this
Membership management
Committee succession planning
Negotiation and conflict resolution
Risk management for your committee or board
Writing media releases
Media training
Social media
Writing for specific audiences
Gateway or website training
Mental health first aid
8.Please tick if you would interested in training in:
Definitely interested
Might attend - if it is at a time that is suitable for me
Would definitely not attend - I am not at all interested in this
Plant ID
Cultural Heritage
GIS training
Chemical Users Permit
Plant propagation
Seed collection
First aid
Soil biology
Regenerative agriculture
Whole farm planning
Soil health
Soil carbon
Designing paddock trials
Dung beetles
Multi species cropping
Managing waterways on farms
Grazing management
Nutrient management
9.If we have missed anything, please write it here: