Fredericksburg Nature Center Survey

1.Are you a local resident?
2.If not, where do you reside?
3.If you are visiting, how many nights will you be staying at a local hotel?
4.How often have you visited Fredericksburg Nature Center (trails, gardens, bird blind) in the last year?
5.What do you like best about the Fredericksburg Nature Center? Check all that apply.
6.What types of educational programs would you like to see at the Fredericksburg Nature Center? Check all that apply.
7.Please provide your ideas about features or services that you would like to see in a future Interpretive Center building? Check all that apply.
8.Please provide your name (optional).
9.Please provide your email address if you would like to receive our monthly newsletter & updates about our proposed Interpretive Center building. We will use your email only for these purposes & will not share it with other entities. (optional)