Community Mindfulness Project - Survey - June 2021
As we look to reconnect with in-person meditation sessions, where would you like to attend?
Only in an outdoor setting
Indoor or outdoor
Online or conference call
We value your suggestions:
When our community partners begin to open again, where would you like to meet?
Darien Library
Ferguson Library
First Church Congregational, Fairfield
New Canaan Library
Ridgefield Library
Sama Yoga
Trumbull Library
Is there someplace you'd like us to be?
Are you aware that we are now offering in-person mindfulness & meditation sessions on Wednesdays at 12:00pm at the New Canaan Library? Sessions are outside on the lawn, by the lovely library tree (weather pending). No registration required - we’re simply curious about interest.
I'm not ready to meet in-person yet
I'm not available at that time
We value your input:
Are you currently joining us for distance meditation sessions?
Yes, via conference call
Yes, via zoom
No, I was not aware of the option. Check out our schedule by
clicking here
No, I need a break from my tech devices
You can share more here:
Would you like us to continue to offer distance meditation sessions via conference call or zoom?
Yes - Mid-week mornings
Yes - Mid-week noon
Yes - Mid-week evenings
Yes - weekend mornings
No thank you
We value your input:
Where, in your community, can we better reach you?
Would you be interested in an in-person "Day of Meditation" this fall? (Fairfield County location)
We'd love to hear from you:
Community Mindfulness Project is here to support you, bringing meditation to all who want it. Please let us know how we can best support you. If you’ve joined our mindfulness sessions, we’d love to hear about your experiences. What worked for you? What could we do differently to support you more effectively?"
Are you aware that Community Mindfulness Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on contributions from subscribers to remain sustainable?
I'd like to learn more about donating. Visit us at:
We value your input:
What is the best way to get timely information to you?
Email - We send weekly emails on mindfulness, as well as CMP news and events. To join our email list,
Click here.
Post on social media (Instagram and Facebook)
CMP Website
Where else can we reach you?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered