Online Appointment Booking - FY 2023/24 Client Experience Survey

Ontario Health Team Northumberland (OHT-N) values your feedback. We appreciate your time in completing this brief survey about your recent online appointment booking experience.  Your feedback helps us to improve the online booking experience and better serve the healthcare needs of our community.
Ease of Use
1.I found booking an appointment online easy.(Required.)
5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
Appropriateness of Care
2.I was able to select an appointment time that was convenient for me.(Required.)
5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
Patient Preference & Autonomy
3.I had the option to choose in-person, phone, or video for my appointment.(Required.)
5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
4.Using the online appointment booking system was better than having to call to book an appointment.(Required.)
1 - Strongly Agree
2 - Agree
3 - Neutral
4 - Disagree
5 - Strongly Disagree
Access to Care
5.I would recommend booking an appointment online to my family or friends. 
5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
6.Overall, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with using online appointment booking?(Required.)
5 - Very Satisfied
4 - Satisfied
3 - Neutral
2 - Dissatisfied
1 - Very Dissatisfied
Other Helpful Information
7.Please select the organization where you booked an online appointment:
8.(Optional) Please feel free to include any additional feedback about your online booking experience: