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Class of 2020 Survey

We will be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this survey Questionnaire on the 2020 Graduation Ceremony to help us ensure that our service delivery meets/exceeds your expectation. We value your honest and detailed responses.

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* 1. What is your gender

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Which was your Faculty?

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* 4. Programme undertaken:

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* 5. How long has it taken you to complete your programme?

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* 6. How did you know about the requirements for graduation?

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* 7. How do you rate the following;

  Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good
Communication during the clearing and graduation process
The service provided during clearance for graduation
The speeches delivered and relevance to the occasion
Overall coverage of the graduation ceremony
Time management during the entire ceremony
Choice of Chief Guest

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* 8. What was the most appealing aspect of the ceremony?

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* 9. What was the least appealing aspect of the ceremony?

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* 10. Do you like the timing (i.e. month, date and time) of the graduation ceremony?

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* 11. What changes would you recommend to make the graduation ceremony more fulfilling in future? 

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* 12. Your overall rating of your academic experience at MMU?

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* 13. What did you like the most about MMU?

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* 14. What did you like the least about MMU?

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* 15. Would you recommend MMU to others?

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* 16. Any other comment(s)?

0 of 16 answered