Free Your Mind - The Kelee® Online 
(New Students)

Welcome to the Free Your Mind journey.
Please read each statement below and click the answer that best describes you today.
All answers provided are anonymous and confidential.  There are no right or wrong answers.
Don't spend too much time on any one statement.  Thank you.
- The Kelee® Online Staff
1.How did you hear about 'Free Your Mind' - The Kelee® Online program?
2.What inspired you to do the 'Free Your Mind' - The Kelee® Online program?
3.How much experience do you have with meditation?
4.How is your mental and emotional well-being?
5.How is your physical health?
6.Overall, how are your health and well-being practices?
7.When I'm at work I'm often ...
8.What would best describe your quality of life right now?
9.I would rate my quality of life as ...
10.Anything else you would like to add?