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Mennonite Mission Network Executive Director Search Questionnaire
August 2019
Stanley Green, Executive Director of Mennonite Mission Network, has submitted his resignation effective July 2020. The Executive Director Search Committee is working to discern a new person to recommend to its Board to lead Mennonite Mission Network in the future. Your commitment to the church and participation in this search process is deeply appreciated.
Mennonite Mission Network, an agency of Mennonite Church USA, collaborates to carry out churchwide priorities.
MC USA mission: "Joining in God's activity in the world, we develop and nurture missional Mennonite congregations of many cultures."
MC USA Vision: "God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy, and peace so that God's healing and hope flow through us to the world."
Mennonite Mission Network Mission is "to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world."
Mennonite Mission Network Vision: "We envision every congregation and all parts of the church being fully engaged in mission-across the street, all through the marketplaces and around the world."
Think about the mission and vision of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Mission Network in the context of our current world. As you understand their strengths, needs and opportunities, what professional skills and leadership qualities do you believe Mission Network needs MOST at this time in the Executive Director position?
Please rank each quality from highest (5) to lowest (1) in terms of importance in the next Executive Director.