With the advance of AI technology, many company secretaries and general counsel of listed companies are considering the advantages of using AI in the board room. GC100 is circulating a poll to members and other listed and large private companies to learn more about current market practices, identified risks and other considerations in the wake of AI and legal technology being introduced to support the minute-taking process.
We welcome your contribution to this important market insight exercise.

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* Who's responding to this poll? Are you a:

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* If you are not a GC100 member and wish to receive a summary of the results, please provide a name and email address.

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* The start of the poll:

Who takes the minutes at full board meetings?

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* Who takes the minutes at committee meetings?

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* Have you introduced AI to assist with minute-taking within your company (for example, at board level, committee level, other)?

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* a. If yes, what technology are you using, and how are you using it? For example, to record and produce a transcript, to track actions, and to create a first draft of the minutes template.

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* Do you have an internal policy on the use of AI/transcription in relation to minutes (whether standalone or as part of a broader policy on use of AI within your business generally) and, if so, what are the key features?

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* How and who do you involve in the review of minutes/transcripts produced by AI?

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* What policies and procedures are in place regarding the security and storage of the transcript and minutes?

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* How does the company approach dissemination of information from such minutes, and preserve any sensitivity (for example, confidentiality or legal privilege) that may apply?

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* Does your company use third party supplied AI technology to assist with the preparation of board minutes?

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* a. If yes, which specific risks from the use of third party supplied AI technology have you identified?

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* b. What processes are in place to mitigate these risks?

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* Is the technology licensed to your company by a third-party provider or is it proprietary technology?

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* Does AI have a place in the boardroom? If not, please explain why.

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* Would respondents like to engage further with Microsoft on the use of AI?

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* How soon in advance of meetings are board papers circulated?

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* When are the draft minutes approved (for example, next board meeting or other)?

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* Is technology used as part of the approval process?

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* Are any notes made by directors during board meetings (whether in hard copy or digitally) discarded after the meeting?

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* Do you produce short form minutes (reflecting actions and key discussion points) or longer detailed minutes?

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* What do your articles say about retention of minutes?

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* Who is the secretary to the remuneration committee?

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* Who is the secretary to the audit committee?

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* Does the secretary to the remuneration committee attend the meeting?

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* Does the secretary to the audit committee attend the meeting?

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100% of survey complete.