About this consultation

Our Strategic Plan 2023-26 committed us to reviewing both our Standards of Good Regulation and Standards for Accredited Registers to assess whether they are still fit for purpose considering the changes to both healthcare and regulation and to address any gaps.

We have prepared a consultation explainer document that should be read alongside this online survey.

This consultation will help us understand:

  • if the Standards help us look for the right things to assess performance and drive improvement for the public benefit,
  • whether our proposals for changes to the Standards are sound, and
  • how we may further improve the Standards.

To make sure that any changes to our Standards are the right ones, we want to hear from anyone who has an interest in the Standards. This can include, but is not limited, to:
  • regulators
  • Accredited Registers
  • health and social care professionals/practitioners
  • patient and public groups
  • professional representative organisations and unions
  • employers
  • members of the public.
The consultation has seven common areas of questions and one area specific to the Standards for Accredited Registers. These are:
  • About you and / or your organisation
  • Are our Standards looking for the right things?
  • Alignment of the Standards of Good Regulation and Standards for Accredited Registers
  • Clarity, accessibility and transparency
  • New standards on culture and/or governance and/or leadership
  • Supporting public expectations for criminal records checks
  • New criteria for registers applying for accreditation
  • Additional questions: implementation and equalities impact
Only questions About you / or your organisation that will help break down respondents' views are required to be completed. You can complete as many of the questions as you like in each section.

The survey will automatically save your progress. You may return to the survey to edit or add to your responses until the consultation has closed.

The online survey will be open until 5pm 8 May 2025.
6% of survey complete.