The Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) is a program initiated in 1983 by the State of New Jersey to offer economic incentives and encourage business growth and development within certain qualified communities. Benefits provided to businesses by the UEZ program through the state include reduced sales taxes for customers, tax exemptions on certain business expenses such as the purchase of capital equipment, and qualification for state funded grant and loan programs. At the local level, Pemberton Township can also offer support to participating businesses in the UEZ.
The Urban Enterprise Zone within Pemberton Township encompasses approximately 1/3 of the lands of the Township, from Browns Mills to Birmingham, and covering much of the lands on Pemberton-Browns Mills Road, Magnolia Road, Lakehurst Road, Fort Dix Road, North Pemberton Road, South Pemberton Road, Arneys Mount Road, and Route 206. Pemberton Township is in the process of preparing a strategic plan for the Urban Enterprise Zone. This survey is intended to help guide Pemberton in the preparation of that plan.

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Urban Enterprise Zone Map

Urban Enterprise Zone Map

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* 1. Are you familiar with the Urban Enterprise Zone and the benefits it can provide to customers of businesses located within the zone?

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* 2. How frequently do you visit or patronize businesses located in Pemberton Township?

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* 3. For what purposes do you visit or patronize businesses in Pemberton Township? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. How do you travel to get to businesses that you visit or use in Pemberton Township? Please select all that apply.

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* 5. Please rate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
I feel comfortable visiting businesses in Pemberton Township.
The goods and services provided by businesses in Pemberton Township meet my everyday needs.
There is a good mix of businesses in Pemberton Township.
Businesses in Pemberton Township are welcoming to people like me.
The business and commercial districts in Pemberton Township are clean and safe.
The business and commercial districts in Pemberton Township are attractive and well maintained.

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* 6. In your opinion, what should be the most important considerations in planning for the future of the business and commercial districts within the UEZ in Pemberton Township? Please select up to three of the following:

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* 7. What types of businesses or services do you feel are missing from Pemberton Township that you would like to see open within the Township? Please select up to three of the following:

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* 8. Please review the images below and help the Township prioritize improvements by selecting which type of improvement you would like to see. Please select up to three.

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* 9. Do you live in Pemberton Township?

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* 10. Do you work in Pemberton Township?

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* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. What is your gender?

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* 13. What is your race or ethnicity?

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* 14. Please provide your thoughts on what might get you to spend more of your money at businesses within Pemberton Township.