The Voice of Young People

As part of the Dynamically Different Dumfries Action Plan project we’re keen to hear from young people about what should be done to make the town centre a better place for you. Please complete the survey below and, if you like, sign up to one of our virtual zoom workshops on either Wed 16 (7-8pm) or Sun 20 (2-3pm) December. Ask your friends to get involved too.

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* 1. Please select your age:

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* 2. As a young person how would you rate Dumfries town centre as a place to VISIT (1 = low, 6 = high):

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* 3. As a young person how would you rate Dumfries town centre as a place to SOCIALISE (1 = low, 6 = high):

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* 4. As a young person how would you rate Dumfries town centre as a place to ACCESS (1 = low, 6 = high):

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* 5. How would you like to be able to socialise in Dumfries town centre?

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* 6. What is your one wish for the future of Dumfries Town Centre?

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* 7. We’re holding Zoom workshops for young people in Dumfries so you can tell us your ideas for the future of Dumfries town centre. Let us know which workshop you’d like to come along to by clicking on your preferred date here:

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* 8. In order to be notified about the upcoming online workshops, please share your first name and email address below. We will send you the Zoom link to the workshop - please don't pass this link on to anyone else who hasn't registered!

Please refer to our data protection policy for details on how we manage your data.
If you’re a Young Scot Member you have earned 150 Rewards points for completing the Dynamically Different Dumfries 2021-2031 Survey. Log in to redeem your points or enter your points code: EHHGK4P6

Not a Member yet? Go to to sign up.