2023 Muskoka Lakes Public Library - Feedback Survey

How Are We Doing?  - We Want To Hear From You!

Please help us understand how the Library is currently doing and how we can better enhance your experience with the Muskoka Lakes Public Library by completing this short survey (approx. 2-5 min.).

Your feedback is what matters so thank you for contributing!  Please note there are no required answers and that all responses are anonymous and strictly confidential  - SO TELL US WHAT YOU REALLY THINK!  We look forward to hearing from you.

Before you get started, did you know the Muskoka Lakes Public Library is a "Fine Free" Library and that we now offer password-free complimentary WiFi.   Come visit us today, we'd love to see you!
1.Do you currently have a library card? (Please select all that apply):
2.In order to meet the needs of our entire community, please tell us if you are a:
3.What is your age?
4.On average, how often do you visit the Port Carling and/or Bala Library?
5.If you answered Rarely/Never to the last question, please tell us why. Select all that apply or scroll/skip to the next question:
6.Looking at the hours of operation, how could the Library hours better suit your needs? Please select all that apply:     
7.Please indicate what Muskoka Lakes Public Library services you have used in the last 12 months when visiting the Library. (Please select all that apply):
8.If you are not currently utilizing any Library services, please tell us why. Please select all that apply or skip/scroll to next question:
9.Do you currently have reliable internet access to utilize the Library's Online Resources?
10.The Muskoka Lakes Public Library offers many online resources free for you to enjoy through their website and downloadable apps. Just a few are listed below, please indicate any that you've used. Please select all that apply:
11.How do you typically find out about new and exciting things happening at the library and the library programs offered? 
12.What web/social media platforms are you active on? (Please select all that apply):
13.In order to help us plan for future service improvements, please tell us if you would be interested in the following, select all that apply:
14.Just for fun, please sum up in ONE word what best describes the Muskoka Lakes Public Library to you!
15.If you would like to suggest a program/service not currently offered or have additional comments, we welcome your suggestions and feedback.  THANK YOU for taking the time to participate, your responses are so very much appreciated!
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered