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Teaching and Learning -- COVID-19
What COVID-19 related digital barriers (e.g., access to broadband or computers, digital learning platforms, online educational resources) have you found most prominent, impactful, or difficult to overcome? Are these barriers resolved fully, or partially? If resolved, how was that achieved? If not resolved, what barriers remain to resolving the challenge?
What new or existing educational programs, opportunities, or concepts would enhance remote (both synchronous and asynchronous) education? Please indicate which education system you are addressing and if the interventions are targeted toward schools, teachers/faculty/instructors (e.g., virtual field experiences for preservice teachers, flexibility in scheduling classes, virtual internships, micro credentialing), learners (e.g., pre-recorded sessions focused on enabling consistent instruction with individualized delivery options), or other areas.
What positive experiences using remote learning technologies have you had in recent months and how can they be enhanced or institutionalized to present new opportunities in STEM education? How has [or could] the Federal Government helped support these innovative technologies?
What are the greatest challenges that have emerged related to inequities in STEM with the shift to online education and training? What solutions did you identify, and what gaps remain in your ability to deliver/receive equitable STEM education services? How did you measure your solution's success?
What areas of professional learning would be most beneficial to educators providing remote instruction (e.g., utilizing formative assessment, small group collaboration, facilitating meaningful discourse or inquiry, creating rigorous alternative assessments for those without access to technology/broadband)?
What data/information is the most important to collect about STEM education during the disruption of educational systems because of COVID-19? What data are you collecting currently related to the shift in education because of COVID-19?
What experience does your school system have with interoperable learning records or precision learning systems? If used, please share any barriers, solutions, or other information relevant to their effectiveness particularly related to digital barriers and the impact or effectiveness related to distance education. How were these concepts used or modified in response to COVID?
Web-Based STEM Educational Resources and Opportunities For Teachers
Are there existing resource websites that could serve as a model for a Federal website? If so, please provide a link for reference.
Please describe your primary audience (e.g., I primarily work with 7th grade science students in a formal classroom setting) and how the STEM education resources you identified above would help you serve your audience.
How would you like to see resources categorized (e.g., subjects, topics, grade bands, Federal agency, other)? Do you have an example of another website that is categorized in this way?
What are the methods utilized by your organization to increase the recruitment, retention, inclusion, achievement, or advancement of individuals from groups that are underrepresented and underserved in STEM? For context, please briefly provide information on what groups your organization targets through these interventions? How are these interventions evaluated for success?
Transdisciplinary Learning
What approaches do you use to teach transdisciplinary learning? Why do you use this approach (e.g., more engaging for students, school/administration promotes transdisciplinary learning) and how does it benefit your students' learning?
How has your ability to teach transdisciplinary concepts to your students changed in recent months because of the shift to remote teaching and learning? What teaching modalities have you employed to deliver transdisciplinary instruction virtually?
What training have you/your organization received in any of these approaches for teaching STEM education: transdisciplinary, integrated, convergence, or engineering design, etc
If you are interested in using a more integrated or transdisciplinary approach to teaching STEM, what professional development would help you teach in this way? What specific delivery mechanism work well for you (e.g., online course, webinar, in-person workshop)? What technology tools would be helpful for you when using a transdisciplinary approach?
Federal STEM Education Plan
Please describe how your organization/school has used the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan. How does your work align with the goals and pathways identified in the Strategy? What changes have you made to your program or activity in response to the Federal Strategy?
Current Progress,
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