Question Title

* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is your (PPID) professional personnel identification number.This is required for you to recieve Act 48 credit.

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* 4. Please indicate your opinion related to each of the following items by circling the most appropriate number with 5 signifying the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

Will the content covered be of great value to me in my work?

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* 5. Please indicate your opinion related to each of the following items by circling the most appropriate number with 5 signifying the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

Did the instructor(s) present the content in an organized and interesting manner?

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* 6. Please indicate your opinion related to each of the following items by circling the most appropriate number with 5 signifying the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

Was the material clearly and adequately explained?

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* 7. Please indicate your opinion related to each of the following items by circling the most appropriate number with 5 signifying the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

Were the methods for presenting the material effective?

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* 8. Please indicate your opinion related to each of the following items by circling the most appropriate number with 5 signifying the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

Was there adequate time for the sharing of ideas and answering questions?

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* 9. How will this training session impact your professional practice. List 3 applications of the information from this session to your classroom, school, and/or district.

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* 10. What professional development activities would you like to see be presented in the future?