Amidst the extraordinary uncertainty of COVID-19, compliance and risk teams face the added complexity of managing increased regulatory risk whilst tentatively planning for recovery. We’re providing a platform for practitioners to share their COVID-19 views so that industry peers can benchmark their own expectations and plans as they navigate and prepare for a new normal when this global emergency ultimately fades. Our Chief Digital Officer has led a decade of ‘Cost of Compliance’ surveys since the financial crisis which have given a collective voice to thousands of compliance and risk practitioners worldwide and will make anonymised results freely available to the industry in Q2.
The questions should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.   All responses will remain confidential. 

Question Title

* 1. About you (optional)

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* 2. Role/ Job function

Plans and processes

Question Title

* 5. What impact do you expect COVID-19 to have on your 2020 compliance, risk and monitoring plans?

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* 6. How have your existing processes handled regulatory change during this period?

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* 7. Are you clear which aspects of your firm's COVID-19 response you’re responsible for?

Risk and Controls

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* 8. Do you expect to adjust future business continuity and risk assessments in light of COVID-19?

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* 9. Which areas of risk have increased as a result of COVID-19?  (Select all that apply)

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* 10. What impact has widespread remote working had on your firm’s regulatory compliance risk?


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* 11. In the next 12 months, what business changes do you expect will impact your function? (Select all that apply)

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* 12. What’s the biggest direct change you anticipate for your function as a result of COVID-19?

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* 13. What impact do you expect COVID-19 to have on your compliance budget?

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* 14. What impact do you expect COVID-19 to have on the technology used by your function?


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* 15. What practical support from regulators has been the most helpful?

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* 16. How effective has the international regulatory response to COVID-19 been?

Looking Ahead

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* 17. How concerned are you about the future of your firm?

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* 18. From a risk and compliance perspective are there any lessons you’ve learned during the crisis that could help other practitioners?

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* 19. Is there anything you hope will change from a regulatory risk and compliance point of view as the industry recovers?

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* 20. Please confirm the following