Client Survey

Mississauga Community Legal Services

Please tell us about your experience with Mississauga Community Legal Services (MCLS).  We aim to provide high quality legal services and welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Your responses are voluntary and anonymous and will be used to help us learn and improve.

1.How did you learn about MCLS?
2.If you were referred by another organization, please specify which one:
3.What kind of service did MCLS provide? (check all that apply)
4.The clinic was accessible by phone (someone answered or I was able to leave a message):
5.Please rate your experience of the following:
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
It was easy for me to find information about the services provided by MCLS
MCLS staff were courteous and pleasant 
MCLS responded to my questions with clear explanations, including my rights and responsibilities 
I was provided updates about the steps they were taking with my legal issue
MCLS helped me understand my legal issue and the legal process
I felt listened to
I feel that I have more confidence in dealing with my legal issues
MCLS helped me increase my ability to advocate for myself
I would recommend MCLS to others
6.The clinic was conveniently located (easy to find and to get to):
7.If the clinic was not conveniently located, please provide the reason you felt it was not:
8.What have you found most helpful about your experience with MCLS?
9.What was least helpful? How can MCLS improve?
10.How satisfied were you overall with the service you received from the clinic?
11.What other suggestions or comments would you like to share with us today?