Application Form

VersaFi's Emerging Leaders Program provides high-potential women with a unique and valuable developmental opportunity that will help them plan their careers, equip themselves to compete for progressively more senior roles and breakthrough to the next level in their careers. This 8-month program offers women with a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years experience in finance, a personal assessment, group coaching sessions, skill-building sessions and two individual coaching sessions. For more information on this program, please click here.
Part 1: Applicant Information

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* 1. Applicant Information

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* 4. Are you currently a VersaFi member in good standing?
(If not, you are not eligible and we ask that you become a member before applying)

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* 5. Do you have between 5 and 10 years of experience in finance?
(If not, you are not eligible and we ask that you exit the application)

Part 2: Incoming Information

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* 6. Provide measurable examples that outline your commitment to your career development (may include: professional development opportunities, further education, training or credentials, commitment to learning and development etc.)  (max 300 words):

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* 7. Share examples in your career of when you have assumed leaderships roles and/ or exhibited characteristics of leadership (3 points) (max 300 words):

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* 8. Share any examples of obstacles you have overcome in your career journey (3 points) (max 300 words):

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* 9. Share how you have accelerated gender equity, diversity and inclusion. (could include ways that you have given back through volunteering with VersaFi or the greater community) (3 points) (max 300 words):

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* 10. Briefly outline your career aspirations over the next 3-5 years. (Be as specific as possible) (2 points) (max 300 words):

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* 11. What are the biggest barriers women in leadership face in your firm/industry (max 300 words):

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* 12. How did you first hear about VersaFi:

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* 13. How did you hear about VersaFi's Emerging Leaders Program?

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* 14. Does VersaFi have your permission to share the fact that you are a candidate in this program with your current employer?

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* 15. If accepted into this program a fee of $4,200 for WCM Corporate Partners or $8,000 regular rate will apply. Please provide the contact details of the manager who will approve cost.

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* 16. General Comments

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* 17. Letter Of Recommendation

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* 18. If you did not attach it in the above question, your letter of recommendation must be submitted to VersaFi at by August 12, 11:59 PM EST for your application to be reviewed.

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* 19. Resumé

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