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* 1. Do you regularly experience an overwhelming sense of dread, as though you or someone you love is in imminent danger?

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* 2. Are your fears and worries often accompanied by headaches, muscle tension, nausea, or other physical symptoms?

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* 3. Have your fears, worries, or physical symptoms caused you to change your behaviors to avoid situations or circumstances that may be particularly distressing to you?

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* 4. Are their certain places or events that you simply can’t go to due to your anxiety symptoms?

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* 5. Do you think that your struggles with anxiety have negatively impacted your performance in school or harmed your job prospects?

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* 6. Have you ever used alcohol or other drugs in an attempt to temporarily numb yourself to the symptoms you’ve been experiencing?

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* 7. Have you withdrawn from family and friends, preferring (or feeling compelled to) spend most of your time alone?

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* 8. Do you think you might have crippling anxiety?