The Logos Road Trip 2007 has been scheduled by date and metropolitan area. We are looking for churches or schools to host a weekday evening presentation at 7 pm on the days listed, in the metropolitan areas already chosen.
Host locations do not need to be within the city limits named, but should be within the greater metropolitan area.
The ideal location is centrally located, easy to find, has seating for 100-150, and is available on the date listed. (It is even better if the host can help promote the event in advance.)
We regret that scheduling will prevent us from visiting cities other than those listed. We chose the areas that will put us in driving range of the maximum number of Logos users in the time available.
Mark Van Dyke,, 800-87-LOGOS, is the Road Trip coordinator. Mark will be scheduling the stops and arranging details with the chosen venue. Please contact Mark with any questions.