Question Title

* 1. Where do you receive services?

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* 2. What services do you receive?

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* 3. Please check any of the following Long Term Supports and Services you have received.

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* 4. I am able to go out into my community when I want to. (Skip if you live independently)

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* 5. Please skip this question if you live independently.
At home, I have the ability to (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 6. Somebody talked to me about sharing my health information with other people involved in my care.

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* 7. Staff explain information about my services to me in a way that I can understand.

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* 8. I am involved in my health care decisions and the development of my treatment plan.

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* 9. I feel comfortable asking questions about my services or asking for other services I want.

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* 10. Appointment times are convenient for me.

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* 11. I feel staff is sensitive to my cultural/ethnic background or gender identity.

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* 12. Staff treat me with dignity and respect.

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* 13. I know who to call when I need help, or I am in crisis.

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* 14. I know how to file a complaint or grievance, if I want to.

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* 15. I know how to file an appeal if I don't agree with a denial of a service I requested or I don't agree with a change to my services.

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* 16. I have been given information about mediation services and I know how to request mediation if I want to.

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* 17. Access to services via telephone or video (telemedicine/telehealth) has improved my care.

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* 18. Overall, I am satisfied with the services I receive from CMH:

Question Title

* 19. If you have any comments or suggestions, please share them below. Please note if you would like a call back from Customer Services.