Like many aging beauties, the MIT Offices Directory is getting a face-lift. However, before the directory goes under the knife, we thought we’d get a second—or third—opinion.

The first 25 people to complete this survey—and who tell us their name and address—will win a handy USB flash drive. (You must be faculty, staff or a student to win, sorry!)

Do you see the MIT Offices Directory as a no-frills tool that gives you the answers you’re looking for, or would a smart phone–compatible version make your life so much easier? How useful is the directory to you as a daily tool, and how can it be made more so? Who else might be looking up information in the directory, how, and under what circumstances? Can we make information easier to find or more accessible? What confuses or irritates you about the directory? Your opinions are important to us!

We are contemplating various changes and new directions for the directory. Your answers to this survey will help guide our efforts. Answering these questions will take only a few minutes. Before getting started, please take a few moments to review your own office listing(s) ( or to click around in other parts of the directory.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

—The Reference Publications Staff