
Tēnā tatou katoa, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Bula vinaka, Kia orana, Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou
We would appreciate your completion of this survey which is being conducted to gather data about middle-level leaders in New Zealand schools. The purpose of the study is to investigate the expectations held of middle-level leaders as direct instructional leaders who carry out tasks involving day-to-day interactions with colleagues. We also want to find out about how confident you feel about performing the range of tasks.
Currently there is very little information available about this topic in a New Zealand context and your participation will provide valuable new knowledge which could strengthen practice.
This survey will take 5-7 minutes to complete. All responses collected will remain confidential, no reports will identify any individual or school.
Tēnā rawa atu koe! Thank you
Survey Questions

Question Title

* School type

Question Title

* School size

Question Title

* Position in school

Question Title

* Gender

Question Title

* Years of experience in a middle-level leadership position

For each of the statements provided you are asked to rank:
a) Whether you consider this to be a low (1) to high (6) expectation in your role as a middle-level instructional leader
b) How confident you are - low (1) to high (6) – about your capability to perform this aspect of the role

Question Title

* I am interested in participating in this research further.

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100% of survey complete.