The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is inviting applications from civil society actors and community workers for a five-day training in Poland on ‘Dialogue and Migration’.

Open to: Civil society actors and community workers (including librarians, persons working in cultural centres, etc.) in Poland interested in developing practical skills to hold open dialogues about the different impacts of migration and living in diverse communities.
The training will help participants to understand and explore the potential of dialogue to foster mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence, with a special focus on challenges and opportunities linked to international migration.
The training will build on dialogue training methodology developed by the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue in Norway. It will be interactive and will require a high level of active participation by all participants, including through group work and exercises. Participants will practice their facilitation skills by conducting ‘mock’ dialogues, to gain experience and confidence to independently organize and facilitate dialogues on the issue of migration within their communities after the training.

Trainers with experience of dialogue training and facilitation will conduct the training, with the support of ODIHR.

Training materials and full board accommodation for 5 nights will be covered by ODIHR. The training venue will be a hotel located within a 1-hour drive from Warsaw.

The training will be conducted in English with an English-Polish-English interpreter present at all times, to assist participants who are not fluent and would prefer to communicate in Polish.

The size of the group will be limited to 20 participants, selected according to the following criteria:
  • Interest in the potential of dialogue in addressing challenges linked to migration and peaceful coexistence of diverse communities.
  • Genuine motivation, commitment and capacity to organize at least one open dialogue on the issue of migration in Poland by January 2023.
  • Member of a civil society group and/or community worker (this also includes librarians or others working in public institutions such as cultural centers, etc.) active in Poland.
  • Prior experience of working with groups and facilitating events.
  • Ability to communicate in English (B1 level). Fluency is not required as an interpreter will be present at all times.
ODIHR will strive to ensure a geographical and gender balance among participants. Only successful candidates will be informed about the outcome of the selection process by 6 May 2022.

If you have any questions about the content of the training or the selection procedure, please contact and You can also address your questions in Polish.

For more information about the work of ODIHR:
For more information about the work of the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue:
The personal information provided will be used by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) for the selection purpose. Provided data is stored internally and access to it is authorized solely on a need-to-know basis. ODIHR does not disclose any personal information to any other outside parties, except when expressly authorized to do so by the user for the purpose of logistical arrangements in relation to organized events by ODIHR. Personal data is kept secure by appropriate technical and organizational measures instituted to protect against unauthorized access, use, modification/tempering, destruction, disclosure, loss or inappropriate or unauthorized transfer.

Question Title

* 1. Surname, Name

Question Title

* 2. Gender

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* 3. Where in Poland are you based?

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* 4. Name of your organization (if applicable)

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* 5. Job title (if applicable)

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* 6. Please provide your contact details where we should inform you if selected.

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* 7. Please assess your working knowledge of English

  Fluent Confident Intermediate Basic

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* 8. Please upload your CV in PDF, DOC or DOCX format (it can also be in Polish)

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. Please state the mission of your organization (if applicable), and briefly describe your main areas of activity (max. 200 words)

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* 10. Why do you want to take part in this training? (max. 200 words)

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* 11. In your view, how can dialogue be useful when addressing challenges linked to migration and peaceful coexistence of diverse communities? (max. 200 words)

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* 12. Please briefly describe at least 2 examples of your work with groups and/or facilitation of group events. Please tell us what groups you worked with and on what topics. (max. 200 words)

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* 13. Who would support you if you were to organize an open dialogue after receiving this training?

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* 14. Have you already received any training on dialogue?

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* 15. Please briefly describe what it was and who organized it.

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* 16. If you were to organize a public dialogue on migration in Poland in the months following this training, what topics would you propose? (minimum 2 suggestions)

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* 17. Declaration by applicant

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* 18. I am committing myself to organizing at least one open dialogue on the issue of migration in Poland by January 2023.

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* 19. Do you agree to be contacted by ODIHR on a different occasion? For example with an invitation to another event or training relevant to your profile.

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* 20. How did you learn about the training?