Promo Marketing Promotional Products Media/Usage/Sources Survey

Thank you for participating in our short survey! We want to better understand your content engagement preferences in order to better enhance our offerings. This survey should take 5-10 min. to complete, and you will be automatically entered into a drawing for one of two (2) $50 Amazon gift cards. (See official rules here.) 

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the topics below, related to the promotional products industry, that you followed/read about in the past 12 months, in order to keep up to date for work-related purposes.

(Please check ALL that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Approximately how often do you access news and information on the topics that you follow, for your work-related purposes to the promotional products industry?

  Once a day or more Several times a week Several times per month Once a month Less than once a month
Social Media Marketing
Content Marketing
Promotional Apparel Trends
Email Marketing
Industry-Specific and/or Related News
Promotional Product Ideas
Trade Show & Event Preparation/Best Practices
Sales Advice
New Hires

Question Title

* 3. How important to you and your work are each of the following topics related to the promotional products industry?

  Very Important Important Neither Important nor Unimportant Unimportant Not Important at all
Sales Advice
Promotional Apparel Trends
New Hires
Industry-Specific and/or Related News
Trade Show & Event Preparation/Best Practices
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Promotional Product Ideas

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with the amount of coverage available to you through media sources (e.g., publications, websites, e-newsletters, etc.) on the following topics related to the promotional products industry.

Very Satisfied = I can find plenty of information on the topic very easily.
Not at all Satisfied = It is very difficult to find any information on this topic.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not at all Satisfied
Promotional Apparel Trends
Trade Show & Event Preparation/Best Practices
Promotional Product Ideas
New Hires
Industry-Specific and/or Related News
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Content Marketing
Sales Advice

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied are you with the quality of coverage from the media sources (e.g., publications, websites, e-newsletters, etc.) you access on the following topics related to the promotional products industry?

Very Satisfied = the media sources I use are doing an exceptional job.
Not at all Satisfied = the quality of coverage is lacking tremendously.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Not at all Satisfied
Trade Show & Event Preparation/Best Practices
Content Marketing
Promotional Product Ideas
Email Marketing
Sales Advice
Social Media Marketing
Promotional Apparel Trends
Industry-Specific and/or Related News
New Hires

Question Title

* 6. Are there any other topics or types of information of importance to you that you feel are not currently or not adequately being covered by the media industry? If so, please specify which ones and please explain in detail what would be of value to you.

Question Title

* 7. Below is a list of media brands that regularly publish content on the promotional products industry. For each media brand, please indicate if you have consumed their content in any form (e.g. website, email newsletter etc.) in the past 12 months.

Question Title

* 8. For each vendor, please indicate if you have accessed in the past 12 months nor have NOT accessed in the past 12 months.

  Have accessed in past 12 months Have NOT accessed in the past 12 months
Promo Marketing
Distributor Central
Promo Kitchen

Question Title

* 9. Are there any other media brands of importance to you that you feel are not listed in the selection of media brands mentioned above?  If so, please specify which ones that you follow/read consistently.

Question Title

* 10. Below is a list of formats used to access information for the promotional products industry information.

For each one, please indicate if you have accessed in the past 12 months or have NOT accessed in the past 12 months by checking the appropriate boxes below. (Select only one box per format)

  Have accessed in past 12 months Have NOT accessed in the past 12 months
Social Media
Online Video(Product, Instructional)
Print Magazines
Events/Trade Shows/Conferences
Research Reports/White Papers
Email Blast/Alert

Question Title

* 11. Now, thinking about the media brands you access for information on the promotional products industry, in any format/platform (i.e. print, website, e-newsletter, etc.), please write in up to three media brands you rely on the most in order of preference. Please list below.

Question Title

* 12. For the three media brands you selected, how have you accessed the information they provide to keep up to date on the promotional products industry over the past 12 months? Please check ALL platforms you use for each brand.

  Print Magazine Website E-Newsletter Email Blast/Alert Trade Show/Conference Research/Whitepaper Online Video Podcasts Social Media Webinars
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice

Question Title

* 13. Which one of the following best describes your job title/function? (Please check ONE only.)

Question Title

* 14. Which of the following best describes the nature of your facility? (Please check ONE only.)

Question Title

* 15. What are your company’s approximate 2017 gross sales or revenue? (If you are unsure of the exact number, please estimate.)

Question Title

* 16. What is your age?

Question Title

* 17. How many years have you been in the promotional products industry?

Question Title

* 18. Thank you for your participation! You have completed the survey

Please include your email address so that we can notify you if you are a winner of one of $50 Amazon gift card.

Your personal information will only be used for that winning notification and will be kept separate from your confidential responses above.